Monday, March 26, 2007

The New Blog on the Block: My Tazby

After much "cajoling" on my part, I finally convinced my wife to start a blog of her own. I couldn't understand how a news junkie (I use the term with the greatest affection) and The Nest lover could not want to join the new internet as she spends more time on the RSS highway.

And as my post from last week declared: We will be parents. I thought this was the perfect premise for a blog. She entitles it her "Diary of a Growing Belly." I am flattered by her kind words. But I know that she has been exceptional during our journey and has guided me gently despite her needs and cravings.

I am clearly biased, but for any readers out there who are in a similar situation, expecting a child, check it out. Maybe she'll let me contribute!


3 days, 3 runs...

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