Sunday, April 15, 2007

Sundance Channel's The Green

I have always had a problem with celebrities talking too much. From experience and observation, I realize that they hold incredible persuasive power. They are the "hitmakers" and "culture drivers" of the world.

But as the rest of the world has found a way to voice their own views and opinions, through the internet, I have seen celebrities become smarter or at least the dumb ones get drowned out. Donald and Rosie can battle each other all they want. People may find it entertaining but not persuasive, certainly not important in the grand scheme of things. And I have certainly become more reasonable and willing to learn from them.

Certainly Robert Redford appreciates this internet. Well, he was actually ahead of the times for celebrity environmentalists, starring in socially conscious roles and being a proponent for solar power since the mid-1970s. But, he must appreciate a medium which can spread the word about our world's situation and promote change. He has partnered with and this week premieres The Green.

On Tuesday, April 17, at 9:00pm, the first regular television series about green initiative will begin on Redford's Sundance channel. This channel was established in 1996 as an outlet for showing the works of independent filmmakers, who he has supported and been an advocate for since he founded his Sundance Institute in 1981.

The first episode of Big Ideas for A Small Planet will look at the Fuel situation. What are the cleaner alternatives, such as biodiesel or ethanol. But like any endeavor, the first step is the key. Hopefully people will tune in and make it a success, at least at educating.

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