Monday, April 02, 2007

Being Green at Home

In a lot of my posts about sustainability I write about commercial endeavors in the environmental arena. Not something I or any other average joe can hope to achieve right now. At least not without a ton of cash or an advanced degree in engineering or physics.

But this post is about a new web site, Low Impact Living, which promotes simple at home options to lower carbon emissions, reduce global warming, and hopefully improve your way of life. They suggest a variety of products that can help you, from reduced energy appliances to recyled tableware.

Beyond products, they offer a impact calculator which will help you understand what the average home in your area consumes and wastes. And with what you learn, check out the tab Green Projects, an area where they offer eco-friendly advice based on the room your in.

Like anything, there isn't a one size fits all solution, but adopting even one or two suggestions from this site might help you and the enivronment. You might save some green, and the earth will get one more day.

Spend some time surfing around, or check some of the other sites listed in the green links on the right. Do your part.

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